welcome  to  the  solis  group

Iris Solis

TSG Mascot


Iris Solis is the new mascot for The Solis Group! Iris’s work focuses on reviewing CPRs. Her impeccable organization skills make filing and tracking contractors submittals easy. She also loves traveling to project sites and getting her paws on the ground!

What do you enjoy about working at TSG and/or in your role?

She is fashionable, always wearing the latest dog sweaters/leashes and even being dyed like a tiger. She spends most days going into the office with the Boss and playing with her favorite toys. 


Iris is a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who celebrated her 3rd birthday in September. 

Fun Fact

 Iris goes for walks every day and loves to sniff around and chase the peacocks in her neighborhood! Her goal is to visit, smell and roll around in each one of our offices across the country!

Elizabeth Solis-Campana


Mike Komsky


Jeremy Turner

Vice President of Operations

Gonzalo Armijos

Director of Strategy and Client Relations

Joe Landoph

Accounting Manager

Monica Ramos

HR/ Administration Manager

Sabrina Cristi

Accounting Assistant

Alan Zieman

Program Scheduler

Katie Rich

Project Manager 2

Issac Hernandez

Project Manager 1

Andrew Solís-Castillo

Project Manager 1

Randy Munoz

Project Manager 1

Adam Solís-Castillo

Analyst 3

Olga Schriefer

Senior Site Interview Coordinator

Aaliyah Solís-Castillo

Analyst 2

Christian Sierra

Analyst 2

Cathy Zheng

Analyst 1

Johnny Reyes

Analyst 1

Matthew Comorre

Analyst 1

Eva Umana Gomez

Analyst 1

Keairah Washington

Analyst 1